Axfood acquires the wholesale business of Bergendahl Food AB

Axfood acquires the wholesale business of Bergendahl Food AB and strengthens its presence in the Swedish food retail market. In addition, Axfood and Bergendahls initiate a strategic partnership for the retail chain City Gross, where Axfood acquires a minority stake of 9.9 percent with an option to acquire shares up to an equity stake of 30 percent. Axfood and City Gross also enter into a long-term delivery and cooperation agreement that will strengthen the competitiveness of City Gross. The total consideration amounts to SEK 1.8 billion and in connection with the transaction, Axfood intends to carry out a rights issue of SEK 1.5 billion to maintain a strong financial position and flexibility going forward. Axfood was represented by KANTER in the transaction.