We represent domestic and international clients in commercial disputes in a wide range of industries and businesses. Our team members have considerable experience of domestic court proceedings and national and international arbitration. Members of the team are frequently appointed as arbitrators in both ad hoc and institutional arbitrations.
Fredrik Elmér
Dispute Resolution – Fredrik Elmér specializes in dispute resolution and has considerable experience litigating commercial disputes in courts and arbitration proceedings. His clients range from private individuals to large international companies and the cases stretch over a wide range of industrial areas. He also advises clients on general issues that may arise in relation to ongoing or anticipated disputes.
2011 –
2007 – 2011
G. Grönberg Advokatbyrå
2004 – 2006
Gothenburg District Court
2006 – 2007
Bond University, Australia LL.M.
Lund University, LL.M.
University of Toronto, Canada
- Något om bevis och bevisupptagning vid prövning av frågor om säkerhetsåtgärder enligt 15 kap. 1–4 §§ rättegångsbalken – Del 1 (“Evidence and Taking of Evidence with regard to Interim Measures according to Chapter 15 of the Swedish Code of Judicial Procedure – Part 1”) (co-author with Oskar Andrews) JT 2017/18
- Något om bevis och bevisupptagning vid prövning av frågor om säkerhetsåtgärder enligt 15 kap. 1–4 §§ rättegångsbalken – Del 2 (“Evidence and Taking of Evidence with regard to Interim Measures according to Chapter 15 of the Swedish Code of Judicial Procedure – Part 2”) (co-author with Oskar Andrews) JT 2017/18
Lena Frånstedt Lofalk
Dispute Resolution/Intellectual Property – Lena Frånstedt Lofalk is highly experienced in different industries where copyright and marketing law is an essential aspect of the business but her practice also includes drafting of contracts and advising clients on general corporate and commercial matters in other industries. She is also often appointed arbitrator in general commercial disputes as well as in intellectual property disputes.
2009 –
1985 – 2009
1984 – 1985
Nacka District Court
1983 – 1984
Swedish National Tax Authority
Stockholm University, LL.M.
In 2016, Lena was praised for her eminent legal work when the Swedish Bar Association awarded her the title “Lawyer of the Year”. In June 2020, Lena was awarded H.M. The King´s Medal in the 8th size with the ribbon of the Order of the Seraphim for outstanding achievements for the Swedish legal society.
Erik Danhard
Employment, Dispute Resolution – Erik Danhard specializes in employment and labour law, where he provides traditional and strategic advice on business acquisitions, outsourcing, redundancies, work environment investigations, trade secrets, integrity issues, management issues and questions related to Collective Bargaining Agreements. A large part of Erik’s business consists of dispute resolution and he frequently acts as counsel, mediator and arbitrator in disputes. Erik also has extensive experience in dispute resolution and litigation in other areas of law. Erik is frequently engaged as a lecturer at universities, at private educational organizers and clients.
2019 –
2010 – 2019
2008 – 2010
Nilsson & Co
2003 – 2007
1988 – 2002
LO-TCO Rättsskydd AB
1987 – 1988
Svea Court of appeal
1985 – 1987
Sollentuna District Court
Uppsala University, LL.M.
Erik Danhard is ranked in Employment by Chambers (band 1) and by Legal 500 as Hall of fame. “According to sources, department head Erik Danhard is an “exceptionally strong” employment litigator. Clients label him “a star” for his intelligence and strategic advice.” (Chambers Europe). Erik has 2009 received von Materns premium by the Faculty of Law at Uppsala university and and a price from Norstedts Juridik as Lecturer of the year.
Erik Danhard has published several books (inter alia KonkursArbetsrätt, sjätte upplagan 2018, 588 sidor; (eng. Employment Law in Bankruptcy, 6:th edition 2018, 588 pages) as well as several articles within the field of Labour & Employment law, which have been published in leading Swedish law reviews. The following are articles in Swedish Law Magazines and other legal publications:
- Lönegaranti och utdelning vid konkurs – dissonans i lagtext och kontext med anledning av EU-rättslig direkt effekt, Juridisk Tidskrift 2011/12 Nr 3
- Förmånsrätt för lön, Juridisk Tidskrift 2007/08 nr 3
- Saklig grund för anställning, Ny Juridik 2:01
- Turordningsreglernas kärna – om tillräckliga kvalifikationer, Ny Juridik 2:03 (även som särtryck)
- Arbetsskyldighetens gränser, Ny Juridik 2:04 (även som särtryck)
- Skiljande från tjänsten – de personliga skälen, Ny Juridik 3:07 (även som särtryck)
- Juridiken kring rekrytering, Ny Juridik 3:08 (även som särtryck)
- Kollektivavtalet – ett löneregleringsinstrument med fyra dimensioner, Festskrift till Hans Stark, 2001
- Tid för arbete – en betraktelse över en kontraktuell fråga, Vänbok till Ronnie Eklund
- Articles for the Swedish legal news company Blendow Lexnova four times a year on employment and labour law matters